Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Single cover analysis

Our single cover

This is the front cover of our album, we've named it 'You Made Me Love You' after the featured song on the album (the music video).
The different colours used in the single cover represent emotions; red symbolises lust, this links in with the lyrics of the song and the visuals of Waseem and Tamara dancing together. Black connotes mystery which is apparent throughout the music video by use of steam to make the shot less clear. The same colour scheme is used for the front and back to keep it looking iconic and attention-grabbing. 

The back cover features the song 'You Made Me Love You' as it is a single released. The star's name is written underneath in a smaller font, this attracts attention but is still identifiable as the star's name and not part of the song/album title. 
Conventions are used such as the singer being present on the cover and a barcode present. This makes it look authentic and realistic. The record label icons are also present, this gives a sense of realism and shows the artist is developed and not new. The website is on the back for extra information on the star and the small print at the bottom is also present. The star is looking down with the light shining up on him, this makes him look superior.

This is the cover for our single with the spine in the middle, this makes the CD identifiable from the side and matches with the colour scheme. 

This CD cover 'Powderfinger' uses the same colour scheme as ours, using black, grey and blue. This look is also effective in portraying mystery, the blue tear drops being especially effective. This was made for a professional singer, we had no idea of this colourscheme until after ours was designed but I feel it is a good comparison and shows ours looks professional too.


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